Looks like the poor "undocumented workers" will be showing up on your doorstep sooner than you think. Of course, if you and your city officials see the uninvited flood of humanity as "illegal aliens", they may only be stopping in your town long enough to gas up. I can't wait to see how the demographics shake out, as the battle lines and attitudes become fortified with stricter laws re: the hiring of illegal immigrants across America.
Hey, if Texas loves 'em so much, why bother coming further north?
Our government has had decades to develop a sensible plan to allow a do-able number of immigrants to gain lawful entry into the United States. Instead, several presidential administrations, and their political-appointed judges, have hemmed and hawed over this problem, and now we have this glut of unwanted humanity defiantly scrambling, clawing, lying their way onto the public dole.
Feb. 3, 2008, 12:16AM
Laws aimed at hiring illegal workers drive many to Texas Crackdown in nearby states brings influx
Copyright 2008 Houston Chronicle
Illegal immigrants are flowing into Texas across its long borders. But they aren't just swimming across the Rio Grande from Mexico or making dangerous treks through the rugged desert.
Instead, a new rush of illegal immigrants are driving down Interstate 35 from Oklahoma or heading east to Texas from Arizona to flee tough new anti-illegal immigrant laws in those and other states.
Though few numbers are available because illegal residents are difficult to track, community activists say immigrants have arrived in Houston and Dallas in recent months, and they expect hundreds more families to relocate to the Bayou City soon.
''They're really tightening the screws," said Mario Ortiz, an undocumented Mexican worker who came to Houston after leaving Phoenix last year. ''There have been a lot coming — it could be 100 a day."
A look at recent legislation enacted in other states regarding illegal immigration:
• Oklahoma: The statute, which took effect in November, makes it a crime to transport, harbor or employ illegal immigrants.
• Arizona: Effective Jan. 1, the law suspends the business license of employers who knowingly hire undocumented workers. On a second offense, the license is revoked.

About damn time.