Thursday, December 14, 2006

Ordering imams off flight was a reasonable act

I know many of you have been following the imam's at the Minneapolis Airport story. So have I, and I have no doubt that this was a deliberate ruse by Islamists to soften our resolve to stand up to bullying by jihadists. This only hurts the countless other Muslims who want to assimilate here in America. I truly hope US Airways doesn't fold on this. Anyway, here is the story:

Ordering imams off flight was a reasonable act

US Airways' treatment of the six imams on Flight 300 on Nov. 20 is being widely portrayed as a discriminatory act against pious men who were just practicing their religion. The imams' only mistake was "flying while Muslim," charges the Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation. "If up to now [Americans] don't know about prayers, this is a real problem," said Omar Shahin, one of the six and president of North American Imams Federation, whose conference the group had attended in Bloomington.

But the incident involved far more than prayers. A "suspicious" pattern of behavior unfolded that day, according to the airport police report, handwritten witness statements attached to that report and US Airways spokeswoman Andrea Rader.

for the rest of the story go here.